Monday, July 4, 2011

#20 - Help Someone Check Something Off Their Life List (1 out of 5)

Or, why I sent an ice cream maker to a stranger.

When I attended the World Domination Summit last month, I heard the lovely Karen Walrond speak about the things she learned when she was working on her book, The Beauty of Different. Karen also talked about her life list during her talk and about curating an exciting life. One of the items on her list is to make old-fashioned hand-crank ice cream with her daughter.

As many of you know, I have my own life list that I am working through. One of the items on my list (#20) is to help five other people achieve something on their life list. After Karen’s talk (which rocked, by the way), I approached her to ask if I could send her an ice cream maker so that her and I could BOTH work towards something on our life list. I was actually a bit nervous to ask her if she would be game for this, as she's a "famous blogger" in my mind. Upon introducing myself, she was instantly kind and friendly and after a quick consideration she graciously said yes (!!!). 

I found a vintage Montgomery Wards hand crank ice cream maker that was in good shape. Bob and I gave it a test run and then I packed it up and sent it off to Karen. I loved the fact is was from Montgomery Wards, because it reminded me of my grandpa, who was a die hard Wards fan. If Wards didn't sell it, he didn't need it: garden hose, tools, underwear, polyester pants and shirts, towels, you name it.

Anyway, the ice cream maker safely arrived in Texas and Karen gave it a run over the holiday weekend. She did a great blog post about it and made a cool stop-motion video documenting the experience. Check out the video on the blog post, or see it below. Hooray for ice cream, hooray for life lists.

Now, I'll be keeping my eye open for others who have life lists that I could help support in a small way.  Happy 4th of July, everyone.


Misty DawnS said...

I think that is such an awesome thing to have on your list! How very generous and inspiring of you... kinda like a "pay it forward" thing!

I've been a fan of Karen's for a long time. In fact, I helped her cross something off her list too (learn to make friendship bracelets and make one with Alex).

I've also been working on my list, and I'm up to 63 things so far. I haven't posted it on my blog yet. Most of them involve my photography... didn't realize how boring I am. haha

Lindsey said...

So happy to run across this post this afternoon! You did it! This definitely brought a smile to my face and reminded me of meeting the two of you at WDS. :-)
Hope things are going well for the two of you!