Sunday, June 23, 2013

Here is Your Sign

Here is your sign. If you have been dragging your feet on a project, new opportunity, life shift, or something else ... this is your sign. Go out there and do it. Have the conversation.  Shed the things in life that are not working for your. Make the move. Take the new opportunity. Get that sassy new haircut. Conquer a fear. Sign up for that marathon. Whatever it is ... this is the sign you have been waiting for. 


agilborder said...

Hi Sophia, I appreciate your blog and have combed your posts trying to find out what it is really like to live at the sea ranch. We are considering retiring there and it seems that our main concerns revolve around Summer and Winter weather, being a permanent resident in an area where 2/3 of the homes are rented and the day to day frustrations of living remotely like car service and doctors. We are from CO and visited in May for a few weeks and think we have found " the spot" . Loved the hiking, don't mind the wind and 40 to 60 degree weather is warm weather to us. But any comments you have on life there will be appreciated. We are not looking for a so cal climate, we love quiet and don't have much use for the things a large city provides. So I will keep a watch on your blog, and would love some honest input on our concerns or things we haven't considered. Thanks, Agilborder

Sophia said...

Hi agilborder,

Thanks for your comment. Sounds like you have been bitten by the Sea Ranch bug!

I'll write a few posts on this topic, but I am also happy to connect with you outside of the blog if you want to email.

You can find my contact email through this link:
